Standing Forward Bend

The Standing Forward Bend brings a sense of drawing inward; It is calming, rejuvenating, and can balance the brain chemistry and hormones. It can also alleviate depression, anxiety, and stress.

I recommend spending at least 4 full breaths here daily, but this movement can be used more often, as needed. Focus on the exhale of the breath.

Simple - Powerful - Day Changing
— Seth Hammond

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, neck and shoulders are relaxed, inner thighs are rotated back, and hips should be directly over your heels. Hold the opposite elbow in each hand or interlace hands at lower back, lifting hands away from the body.

If your lower back is tight, bend the knees to hinge the hips.

This is a movement to be enjoyed. Soften into it.

When the head is below the heart, your mind will let your body know to relax. Enjoy!