

1. Alexis W. 

"Four years of training with Seth has completely proven to me his commitment to his clients and his passion for health and wellness."


Before finding Seth, my health and my weight seemed out of my control. I struggled with confidence in my body for as long as I can remember, and for all of my adult life, my weight had gone up and down through cycles of dieting. 

After first meeting Seth, his compassion was apparent. I knew immediately that he is in this profession because he genuinely cares about helping people feel the best they possibly can, and knowing this gave me the confidence to seek his help. I consider it one of the best decisions I have ever made. Four years of training with Seth has completely proven to me his commitment to his clients and his passion for health and wellness. He teaches by example and focuses on sharing with his clients how he lives his life on a daily basis. Knowing the choices he consistently makes from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep has given me a model for living to aspire to, and his focus on a holistic approach to health has blessed all aspects of my life. One of the things I admire the most about Seth is that he is constantly educating himself on the latest research in the health and fitness world. As a client, I have benefited greatly from what he has taught me, and it has also inspired me to seek out information myself. I always look forward to working out now—not just because I feel great afterwards—but because of our conversations about what we are learning on our fitness journeys. 


2. Peggy J. 

"The thing I immediately noticed is that I always felt better when we were done than before I had started."


I have always worked out with a trainer but all my trainers never seemed to listen and just put me through the same kind of workout and stuck me on as many machines as they could so they could count reps. I was so frustrated that they would not listen to my goals and what I wanted. Lifting weights was making the legs and arms bigger, which was the opposite of what I wanted.

When I met Seth, he was different. We talked..a lot! He wanted to know what my goals were and interesting enough,he wanted to know what I ate! None of my other trainers talked to me about nutrition and the right way to eat. We also did a lot of stretching-I did not realize how tight my body was and how I could not really move well, and the compromises my body was making. We stretched and talked about food-some sessions, we didn't pick up a single weight. The thing I immediately noticed is I always felt better when we were done then before I started.

I feel better and have more energy. I am so much stronger than I was and I eat lots of vegetables and greens. Seth has even shown me the right way to make a smoothie that tastes good, yet is not full of sugar. He has taught me how to have fun with a salad and all those healthy ingredients that can be added to make it taste so good!

I think the most important thing he has taught me is that if I have a bad day with my eating, it's not the end of the world. Just get up the next day and try again. I feel like I can do so much more! 


3. Bryan T. 

"After my second meeting I decided to give personal training & more specifically Seth Hammond a chance...this may have been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life.."


In January of 2015...I made the decision at 51 years old it was time to try working out with a personal trainer. This was not a decision that I took lightly, given the fact that I had been very involved with weight lifting & training since I was in the 8th grade. If you ask me what I was looking for in a personal trainer I would tell you that knowledge combined with the ability to listen to my feedback were extremely important to me, but that I was also looking for motivation & innovation at the same time!

I met with Seth twice to discuss my goals (which were to get in better shape, to live longer, and a goal of building core strength to play better golf) and his training philosophies as well as my travel/work schedule. After my second meeting I decided to give personal training & more specifically Seth Hammond a chance...this may have been one of the best decision I have ever made in my life.

The journey began. We worked on strength, flexibility, endurance and much to my chagrin making healthy eating choices. Over the course of the next 12 months  I got stronger & much fitter through Seth's coaching & counseling. By my 52nd birthday I was in very good shape & some of the difficult exercises from 10 months earlier were much easier. (Seth raises the bar on the exercise as soon as he sees that happening by the way).

The bottom line was that I felt better, was eating better, my clothes fit better & I felt healthy! Little did I know that I would need all of that strength (both physical & mental) and health! 

Now the test...in January of 2016 while working out with Seth I suffered a massive heart attack known as the widow maker. Seth was right there with me through the entire experience giving words of encouragement & doing everything as the squad was on the way. While in the hospital waiting for a heart transplant, My doctors told me that I survived the heart attack due to the fact that I was in tremendous shape for a 52 year old man...not sure that I could have said the same thing one year before. Seth continued to check in on me with his encouragement & the promise of getting back to training after I got home & completed cardio rehab.

So...in July of 2016 we started back training & I still train with him to this day! His knowledge, constant research, innovation  and drive to find exercises that challenge me combined with his coaching & encouragement makes Seth the true professional personal trainer that he is!


Shopping with my client Peggy at the McKinney Farmer's Market.

Shopping with my client Peggy at the McKinney Farmer's Market.

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