What to Expect

A New Way To Train


1. You're going to leave feeling way better than when you started. 

I know what you're thinking. You're going to hurt, be pushed until you can't take it anymore, muscles aching, and heart pumping so hard you think it's going to bounce right out of your chest:  Basically, that you'll be tortured for an hour. 

Am I right? Was that what you were thinking? Well that may be the way of other personal trainers (i.e professional torturers), but that shit isn't going down with me. 

I came from a place of hardcore, and it left my body and mind broken. Have you ready MY STORY? Out of those ashes, I learned a new way of personal training. One that won't leave you limping away at the end of an hour, or unable to move the next day, but still gets you to your goals. Read TESTIMONIALS from clients.

Are you ready for a new way to train? 


2. We can train ANYWHERE.

I come to you. You come to me. Or we meet in the middle. It's personal training without boundaries, suited to fit your lifestyle and needs. Getting fresh air in nature or in the comfort of your living room or office, it's fitness that actually "fits" into your lifestyle.

I used to think I needed a gym to be legit. I broke through that brick wall. It's training without boundaries.  


3. We're going to talk more than you think, because personal training should be personal.

It's time to get personal. We're going to talk A LOT,  and especially in the beginning. And I'm going to ask some hard hitting questions, but not out of judgement. Read MY STORY see where I've come from. I ask questions so I can develop a customized plan for just YOU.

 Personal training and fitness goals are not one size fits all, and the only way to move forward to reach your goals is to make changes and step in a forward direction. And you know where that starts? By uncovering the cobwebs and being totally honest. 

Have you ready the  TESTIMONIAL  from Peggy?  She totally confirms this! 


4. We're going to move.


Yoga. Strength & Resistance Training. Bike Riding. Running. Walking. Jogging. I've got a bag of tricks to get you moving, all focused on mobility and your goals.


 Sounds amazing, right? Ready to get started? Click below.