My Vision for PERSONAL TRAINING begins with a story.
I was broken. Torn ligaments in the knee. Elbow ligaments torn, and multiple surgeries. And all of this while owning and operating a successful gym, and after years of certifications and training awards.
Business success had come at a price of 14 hour work days and abusing my body in pursuit of a "gym owner's" physique. I could barely move and most importantly, I wasn't able to care for my newborn son the way I wanted.
Out of those ashes I started a journey to health, leaving behind the gym rat mentality and focusing on what true physical fitness means. For me, that's being able to play with my son, hike the Rockies with my wife and friends, and feeling great while doing it.
I help clients focus on their own reasons for being fit, and it's not because they want to get ripped, although we can do that, too.
Today, I have clients who are recovering from heart attacks (and a transplant), and some who are working to prevent them (READ TESTIMONIALS). I work with athletes who want to train without injury and optimize performance. I even train whole families, because what better legacy to give your children than one of true health.
Using my 12 years of personal training and gym ownership experience on what to do (and what not to do), I train real people who want to feel better today and tomorrow than they did yesterday, just like I do.
I want to share my knowledge so that you can move forward into a space of true health and physical fitness.
Learn more about training with me HERE.
Seth Hammond
Personal Trainer & Health Coach
CPT - Certified Personal Trainer Cooper Institute. Dallas, TX - 2007
Biomechanics Certified - Cooper Institute. Dallas, TX - 2007
Yoga Teacher Certificate Joseph Stingley - Soul Motivation Registered Teacher School 200 hour
Foundations Certified - Onnit Academy. Austin TX - 2016
TRX Certified - 2008
Trying new foods with my son, Otis, at the McKinney Farmer's Market on a hot summer's day.