Healthy "Lifestyle" ...?

The word "lifestyle" gets thrown around a lot.

Living a healthy and fit lifestyle is what we all want, right?

But what does that even mean?

For you, it might mean waking up and feeling good about what you see in the mirror.

Or maybe it's more about the energy and mental clarity you want to have each day.

It might also be all about being able to move and exercise the way you want.

For many, looking good naked might be the main goal.

If you are like me, living a healthy lifestyle means having enough energy for your kids, your spouse, and your clients—all the relationships in your life.

Either way, your lifestyle will dictate whether or not you reach your goals.

  • How you wake up each day.

  • Your daily routines and rituals.

  • What, when, & how you eat.

  • How much you sleep.

  • The big & little decisions you make.

  • What your relationships are like.

  • The way you talk to yourself and others.

  • How active you are.

  • What you do for enjoyment each day.

All of these things make up your lifestyle.

The clients I work with all want to improve the way they live.

Here's a few key things that we can focus on to jumpstart that process:

  1. Moving more each day. Walking and getting activity in speeds up the process of body transformation and it improves energy fast.

  2. Being aware of what you eat. Can you recall your meals from the past few days? No? Then start tracking to gain clarity.

  3. Being focused on today and avoiding comparison to others. Comparison is the thief of joy. Worrying about tomorrow takes away from loving today.

  4. Eating healthy and delicious meals that you look forward to each day.

  5. Learning how to train 2-4 times a week and maximizing your time for self love.

This is where we start.

Ultimately, I want my clients to look, feel, and perform at their best in their day-to-day life.

So, what is a healthy “lifestyle”?

It is whatever you want it to be as long as it gives you an opportunity to optimize your human experience. Your lifestyle should leave you with a body that is an asset, a mind that is clear, and a story worth telling…

Let me know how I can help…

~ Seth

Seth Hammond