I tried Bikram yoga...
On Friday, I had 2 conversations about the Bikram yoga documentary on Netflix. So I watched it over the weekend and all I can think about is how did that guy get so many people to do yoga? Yes, he seems like a complete creep, but why did the whole world take notice? Why did everyone try it? What was it like? Why have I not tried it?
I have done hot yoga and think very highly of it. Although for a long time I did not understand how valuable the heat is. It changes everything (different blog)…
I also can’t stop thinking about the 26 and 2 formula. So, a 30 minute YouTube video introduced me to the 26 postures and the 2 breathing techniques. I am currently humbled and changed! I have found a new goal. Next, I did an hour long version of what is intended to be a 90 minute class last night before bed. It was/is so hard for me! I need to get better at this.
I am setting a goal and putting it out there. I am going to video myself doing all these postures every month of 2020 and see how much I can improve.
Video coming soon of me doing the 26 postures… HOLD ME TO IT!
This was first 30 minutes of Bikram yoga. Great introduction to the poses.
This is the first 60 minute video I did… This guy can teach some yoga…
Cool yoga pic…